Cool Cat isn’t a regular Sparkling Cocktail — it’s a cool Sparkling Cocktail. Cooler than the kinds typically seen at college dorm parties of yore, and certainly cooler than anything that was canned up in the Nineties. This is wine’s answer to hard seltzer, a bubbly mix that’s light on ABV (a respectable 6.9% ABV), but brings in bold flavors, all in one extremely sippable 12 oz package.
Sonoma California pinot grigio combines here with carbonated water and pure cane sugar to deliver a refreshing fizziness, great for if you’re under the sun on a hot day and don’t want to get bogged down with a heavier wine. You may be surprised that, yes, this is still wine, with unique and out-of-the-box flavors like Elderflower Mint Lime (an ode to the classic Mojito) and Grapefruit (tart and citrusy). But it’s this creativity that makes Cool Cat so versatile, since it stands up just as well poured over ice as it would be used for a cocktail mixer. Dress it up or down, but with this wine seltzer in hand, every table you sit at will be the cool kids table.